Why 95% Of Diets Fail and the Healthy Loss Diet Does Not

And Why I Choose thehe     Healthy Loss Diet with Calorie Shifting
Researching statistics about the success of diet plans shows that 95% of them fail miserably. Like the vast majority of people with overweight I already followed several distinct diets (among those: low fat, low carb, low calories) and always with the same result: I managed to lose some weight in the beginning of each diet, though unfortunately most of it seemed to be just liquids and not fat. As a result, I stopped losing weight after a while and gained back what I lost after finishing the diets, and worse - I ended up even fatter than I was before I started each procedure.

The main reason why most diets fail is that they are based on a greatly reduced calorie intake and/or a total avoidance of a certain food group. A low calorie diet, and I have seen people go on 400 calories a day diets, causes our metabolism to slow down considerably and your body to burn less and less fat. The explanation for this: the body protects itself because it thinks we're starving it – we are constructed to survive, even in extreme situations.

The bad part of the story:
After complying with a diet we are going to consume more calories again and as our metabolism is still at low speed after the "bad times" of dieting we are accumulating fat much faster - which is being accumulated by our body as calorie deposit for bad times. And besides, eating 400 calories a day over a prolonged period is very hazardous to your health, even though you are taking supplements like vitamins, minerals, etc. In general, consuming less than 1800 calories a day will not provide you with enough essential nutrients to meet all of your needs. The human body is an extraordinarily intelligent machine. When you cut back on your energy intake (calories) too much, the body perceives this restriction as a threat. As a defense mechanism, your body protects its reserves. The stricter the diet, the more your body will go into famine mode in order to protect itself. Thus, your body slows down. It then becomes easier to gain weight over time. It has been shown that many diets avoiding food groups like carbs or proteins hurt the body because they deprive a necessary ingredient from it, causing potential health problems even after the diet.

What is the Main problem:
Any weight loss achieved through this type of diet schemes is of short term. In contrast, a healthy loss diet lets you eat a reasonable amount of food with a certain supply of all necessary food groups that still helps you to lose weight. And the most important fact is that the diet needs to be sustainable, without the feared Diet Boomerang or Rebound Effect.

Weight loss diets that are too restrictive can be harmful to your health and well-being. For example, cutting out milk products can deprive your bones of the precious calcium and vitamin D necessary for their strength. Eating too few grain products, especially whole-grain products, could mean less fibre and other nutrients that help digestion. There are many other examples as well!

A diet that finally worked best for me, as it avoids all the mentioned pitfalls, is the so-called Healthy Loss Diet with Calorie Shifting (or simply Calorie Cycling). This diet is known already since many years among bodybuilders and other body-conscious people as ideal method to increase the muscle mass without the increase in body fat, which occur with most long-term nutritional programs। This group of people is applying acute calorie cycling, consuming a high-calorie diet for 2 weeks followed by a low-calorie diet for 2 weeks, and then repeating this pattern over and over again. A modification of this bodybuilder diet resulted in an extremely fast weight loss diet which at the same time is healthy as it does not eliminate important nutritients from your diet plan. For me and many other people this healthy loss diet works very well as it does not starve you and at the same time produces a fast and continuous weight loss.

Several friends of mine tried as alternative to this calorie shifting approach the "Burn the Fat - Feed the Muscle" Diet that also has been developed based on bodybuilder diet plans. This diet also has been shown to be an alternative and very successful approach for reducing and controlling overweight.

Well, I tried the Healthy Loss Diet based on Shifting Calories and found it the best bet for me as I don't want to starve myself and at the same time achieve a fast and continuous weight loss.

How Does it Work?
Healthy Loss Diet using Calories Shifting is accomplished by constantly changing what you eat, so that your body doesn't get used to any routine. This causes your metabolism to remain high and your body to burn fat faster and more efficiently.

The Healthy Loss Diet with Calorie Shifting keeps the metabolism high at all times, so your body always burns fat, leading to a rapid and continuous weight loss.

The developers of this diet call it with some enthusiasm the "Beyond Calories" Weight Loss Diet as it really is a diet giving very rapid results that can be applied easily and by everyone. The diet, originally promoted as "FatLoss4Idiots" due to its simplicity, includes a detailled handbook and a menu generator which produces a personal menu to each user. You type in the food you like to eat, and the menu generator takes it into account, so you end up eating much of the food you like, but it always shifts it around. The Healthy Loss Calorie Shifting menu is comprised of 4 meals a day so you never starve. That's why so many people have been able to stick to it for so long and maintain their new weight once they lost the number of lbs. they wanted.

Now you might imagine why this healthy weight loss diet works so well for me and for so many people.

But how to start?
At the bottom of this page you find a Food&Calorie Finder that I used at the beginning to develop my personalized daily diet plans. When I recognized that this concept really works, I searched the web and found a commercial software package to design diet menus based on the calorie shifting diet concept. Since then I am using this software with really exceptional success. I found it quite easy to reduce my weight rapidly but for me the most important factor is that I managed to maintain my weight for now more than two years, just changing my eating style and planning once a week my daily diet. This allows me to take control over the things I purchase in the supermarket, considering also other personal health related facts.

To read more about the diet system I am using and to design my own diet menu plan, check out the following site: Healthy Loss Diet Menu Planning.